Wizards, Wankers, and Rednecks!
We had a crazy run on June 23rd! Starting at the Waffle House, with 15 or so idiots dressed up in various wizard and/or redneck outfits... Everyone lined up to see what TurdinHand, Just Sonny, and Just Roni (TurdinHand's mommy) had set up for our run.
We began by duct taping beer cans together and building staffs of epic lengths, with the more ambitious drinker's quickly gaining prestige. By the time the hounds finally began the chase, some staffs were five or six cans in length.
The run began by going through the Days' Inn parking lots before backtracking and leading the pack beneath the Stock island bridge (where we found the beerstop had been consumed by some local inhabitants). The run showed promise of actually finally getting off of Key West, but the hares chickened out and manuevered trail back into the depths of New Town where everyone promptly got lost. While searching for trail, we discovered a visiting Harriette, Epicenter Butt, and her tagalong Virgin (honor to finding cute Harriette's on trail!!!). Who were probably not impressed with our 20 minute search for marks at a bad check. After Just Grant telephoned the hare's asking for clarification (really, this is absurd and needs to stop) marks "magically" appeard behind us connecting the trail and the pack was able to proceed onward.
Shopping carts appeared at some point on trail, and we had redneck drag races in them for several miles before Nursing an STD almost killed the Tyrant by flipping him end over end across a parking lot.
Trail wove into the ghetto's of the trailer park up near the Poinciana Mobile Home Park (as appropriate for a Redneck trail) and as it began to get VERY dark, the pack finally got to the canal behind the trailer park. After hopping a tetanus inducing rusty chain-link fence, 3 hares proceeded to ford the water, while the majority spent a half an hour trying to figure out how to keep their dainty feet dry. In the end, the trail shortly came to TurdinHand's apartment, where all dry hounds were sprayed down with a hose to equalize the situation.
Circle was held, and after a few minutes a few of Key West's finest arrived to tell us that TurdinHand had failed to warn his neighbors of our rowdiness. Just Sonny engaged one of the cops in an armwrestling match, and the police agreed not to arrest anyone if Sonny was victorious. When his manly beard proved to be well earned, the pack was free to relocate to the parking lot behind Sears, where we continued circle for several hours... drank over 300 beers, and renamed our good friend Just Dustin as "3 Inch Troll Slayer" on his final KWH3 run. Honor to 3"TS, and may he have luck in Hashing for years to cum!
Respect to the Hares for getting the pack wet and dirty, and for laying trail with reasonably good markings... but please make sure you clear On-Home sites with the local's in the future. Our OnSec will not always be there to protect us from jail.
We had a crazy run on June 23rd! Starting at the Waffle House, with 15 or so idiots dressed up in various wizard and/or redneck outfits... Everyone lined up to see what TurdinHand, Just Sonny, and Just Roni (TurdinHand's mommy) had set up for our run.
We began by duct taping beer cans together and building staffs of epic lengths, with the more ambitious drinker's quickly gaining prestige. By the time the hounds finally began the chase, some staffs were five or six cans in length.
The run began by going through the Days' Inn parking lots before backtracking and leading the pack beneath the Stock island bridge (where we found the beerstop had been consumed by some local inhabitants). The run showed promise of actually finally getting off of Key West, but the hares chickened out and manuevered trail back into the depths of New Town where everyone promptly got lost. While searching for trail, we discovered a visiting Harriette, Epicenter Butt, and her tagalong Virgin (honor to finding cute Harriette's on trail!!!). Who were probably not impressed with our 20 minute search for marks at a bad check. After Just Grant telephoned the hare's asking for clarification (really, this is absurd and needs to stop) marks "magically" appeard behind us connecting the trail and the pack was able to proceed onward.
Shopping carts appeared at some point on trail, and we had redneck drag races in them for several miles before Nursing an STD almost killed the Tyrant by flipping him end over end across a parking lot.
Trail wove into the ghetto's of the trailer park up near the Poinciana Mobile Home Park (as appropriate for a Redneck trail) and as it began to get VERY dark, the pack finally got to the canal behind the trailer park. After hopping a tetanus inducing rusty chain-link fence, 3 hares proceeded to ford the water, while the majority spent a half an hour trying to figure out how to keep their dainty feet dry. In the end, the trail shortly came to TurdinHand's apartment, where all dry hounds were sprayed down with a hose to equalize the situation.
Circle was held, and after a few minutes a few of Key West's finest arrived to tell us that TurdinHand had failed to warn his neighbors of our rowdiness. Just Sonny engaged one of the cops in an armwrestling match, and the police agreed not to arrest anyone if Sonny was victorious. When his manly beard proved to be well earned, the pack was free to relocate to the parking lot behind Sears, where we continued circle for several hours... drank over 300 beers, and renamed our good friend Just Dustin as "3 Inch Troll Slayer" on his final KWH3 run. Honor to 3"TS, and may he have luck in Hashing for years to cum!
Respect to the Hares for getting the pack wet and dirty, and for laying trail with reasonably good markings... but please make sure you clear On-Home sites with the local's in the future. Our OnSec will not always be there to protect us from jail.